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Re: Protected Page...

> directories chew up disk space and putting one doc per directory
> defeats whole purpose of directories. instead httpd should be modified to 
> allow restirct on per doc basis

Not at all; HTML documents are composed (typically) of several files,
including the text, graphics, CGI scripts, Java classes, what-have-you.
Jumbling these components from multiple documents creates an unmanageable
mess; use directories!  That's what they're there for (besides, they
generally take up less than 1k each, I don't know why you say they chew up
disk space).  None of this is to say that I disagree with the statement
that you should be able to password-protect individual files; added
functionality always finds uses, but HTML is really designed to function
on a directory-as-document basis.

> > > I wonder how I can protect only one particular Web page or material 
> > > instead of the whole directory.
> > 
> > You should really use one directory for each Web page; that way, your 
> > directory structure looks roughly like your page structure, and you can 
> > control access to a page with .htaccess since there's only one page in 
> > its directory.

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Follow-Ups: References: